
Friday, February 10, 2012

Hi - Five | Netik | Technical Writer |JOb Code: 7685

Hi - Five | Netik | Technical Writer |JOb Code: 7685

Forward your Resume to 
Information Developer
1 - 4yrs
Work Location
Job Code: 7685
Job Description:
·         Research and grasp complex technical concepts by analyzing reference materials and create specifications, business and technical designs, diagrams, user procedures, reports and studies.
·         Assimilate and communicate concisely a technical message that is easy for the intended audience to understand.
·         Adhere to Document Development Life Cycle (DDLC).
·         Develop user manuals, process and policy documents, technical support materials, documentation plans and design descriptions
·         Produce professional quality documents by conforming to uniform style and ensuring print quality page layout.
·         Perform essential analysis, including interviewing subject matter experts and create project flow charts, data diagrams and technical instructional materials
·         Work efficiently, either independently or in a team with minimum supervision to complete projects and meet deadlines
Mandatory Skills:
·         Adobe Frame Maker
·         RoboHelp (Good to have)
·         Adobe Captivate(Good to have)
·         Adobe Type Manager
·         Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
·         Microsoft InfoPath
For any clarification contact Sarvesh  at

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