Can we include SETENV.SQC at the end of the SQR program? If "NO" then why?
Yes we can include at the end of sqr program also
No. Setenv needs to be at the top of the program in order for the program to use the environments specified
Program Flow of SQR
What is the program flow of SQR?
When SQR Program starts executing. There are two stages in the Program Flow.
1) Compile stage
2) Execution Stage
) Compile Stage.
All the Preprocessor directives are compiled ( which starts with #include).
Ex: All the SQC are run.
Check for the syntax errors for the conditions.
Ex: if, for loop, while loop are properly ended with the respective syntax.
Allocates memory structure , if you are using the Arrays and load look up .
2) Execution stage:
Starts interpreting the code line by line.
Check for the begin -program body.
Begin -heading.
Begin- footer.
RE: Program Flow of SQR
setup section
heading section
footing section
program section
procedure section
Program Flow of SQR
When SQR Program starts executing. There are two stages in the Program Flow.
1) Compile stage
2) Execution Stage
) Compile Stage.
All the Preprocessor directives are compiled ( which starts with #include).
Ex: All the SQC are run.
Check for the syntax errors for the conditions.
Ex: if for loop while loop are properly ended with the respective syntax.
Allocates memory structure if you are using the Arrays and load look up .
2) Execution stage:
Starts interpreting the code line by line.
Check for the begin -program body.
Begin -heading.
Begin- footer.
SQR Validation
What are the validation is done in SQR program before loading in to the database?
Translate & Prompt
Explain the difference between Translate & Prompt tables. What are the occasions when to use Translate values instead of Prompt table? What is the advantage of one over the other?
Translate & Prompt
Translate Table:
Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four characters or less.
The tranlate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated
Prompt Table:
Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables other values are generally populated by system users and are often application specific
Translate & Prompt
Translate Table:
Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four characters or less.
The tranlate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated
Prompt Table:
Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables other values are generally populated by system users and are often application specific
RE: Can we call two Procedures in On-Break? If yes Then How?
By using both after and before option in on-break.
Ex. on-break print none before procedure 1(arg1 arg2 ....) after precedure2
RE: Can we call two Procedures in On-Break? If yes Then How?
I think this example may help you
begin-heading 4
print $current-date (1 1) Edit 'Mon-DD-YYYY'
print 'EMPLID' (3 1)
print 'COUNTRY' ( 10)
print 'STATE' ( 17)
print 'CITY' ( 26)
print '-' (4 1 9) fill
print '-' (4 11 80) fill
COUNTRY ( 10) ON-BREAK LEVEL 1 after a before aa
STATE ( 17) ON-BREAK LEVEL 2 after b before bb
CITY ( 26) ON-BREAK LEVEL 3 after c before cc
next-listing skiplines 1 need 4
begin-procedure a
print 'AFTER Procedure for COUNTRY LEVEL 1' (+1 40)
begin-procedure b
print 'AFTER Procedure STATE LEVEL 2' (+1 40)
begin-procedure c
print 'AFTER Procedure CITY LEVEL 3' (+1 40)
begin-procedure aa
print 'BEFORE Procedure COUNTRY LEVEL 1' (+1 40)
begin-procedure bb
print 'BEFORE Procedure STATE LEVEL 2' (+1 40)
begin-procedure cc
print 'BEFORE Procedure CITY LEVEL 3' (+1 40)
begin-footing 1
! print Page n of m in the footing
page-number (1 1) 'Page '
last-page () ' of '
RE: What is SQC? What is SQT?
Compiling an SQR program can improve its performance. The compiled program is stored in a runtime (.SQT)file. You can then run it with SQR Execute. SQCs are like functional library files which we can include in our SQR programs.
RE: What is SQC? What is SQT?
sqc are the files which can be considered as header file which can be included in the header file simillar to c when we include header file
sqt :: we can have command line parameter for the sqr and we can pass at runtime hense we have to save it as sqt
Substitutions are made as the program is compiled and are saved in the SQT file.
How do you include SQCs in middle of the program? Is it possible ?
yes they can be included..using the conventional method we use to include SQC's
How do you include SQCs in middle of the program? Is it possible ?
RE: What is the main difference between SQR and APP EN...
SQR : - Can generate Reports in SQR.
- No Restart Logic.
App Eng :- Can't generate Reports in AE.
- Built-in Restart Logic.
RE: What is the main difference between SQR and APP EN...
yes there are two diffrences
SQR having
1. Encapsulation
2. No Restart-login
App.Engine having
1. No Encapsulation
2. Restart-login
RE: What is the main difference between SQR and APP EN...
1. App engine is belongs to PeopleSoft whereas SQR is third party application.
2. App engine are easy to maintain from support prospective as it's reside inside Peoplesoft (PS) applications. For SQR we need to separately take care as its file server objects and hence difficult to maintain & upgrade.
3. App engine are very systematic to Develop and Debug. SQR are difficult debug.
4. SQR is mainly used to create Reports. By App Engine we can not create reports
RE: What is the main difference between SQR and APP ENGINE?
Sqr : 1. No encapsulation
2. No Restart Logic
Appl Engin : 1. Encapsulation
2. Restart Logic
What is the main difference between SQR and APP ENGINE?
AE is very systematic as it is structured as Section step and Action. While
SQR is not systematic.
AE flow is easy to read and understand while SQR is not that easy.
AE is easy to debug as you can do line by line debugging. With SQR it s not
easily possible.
By using SQR you can create and maintain different reports which are not
possible in AE's.
APP engine will be updated automatically while SQR should be done manually.
RE: What are the Important SQC are need to be at...
#include 'setenv.sqc'
#include 'stdapi.sqc'
#include 'prcsdefn.sqc'
#include 'prcsapi.sqc'
#include 'curdttim.sqc'
#include 'hrctlnld.sqc'
#include 'datwtime.sqc'
these are the some sqc's we r used in our sqr program
RE: What are the Important SQC are need to be attached?
These are the three important SQCs that should be attached to make ur SQR API aware
#include 'setenv.sqc'
#include 'stdapi.sqc'
What is hierarchy in Arrays in SQR?
what is heirarchy in Arrays in SQR
There are 3 steps 1. Initiate Array 2. Process Array 3. Print Array
RE: What are the compulsary SQC's that should be used ...
setenv.sqc setup02.sqc prcsapi.sqc prcsdef.sqc curdttim.sqc datetime.sqc are some of the SQC's that should be present.
RE: What are the compulsary SQC's that should be used ...
good answer...and also printer sqc is mandatory.
RE: What are the compulsary SQC's that should be used ...
and we also used sethdg01.sqc(Standard heading sqr include file) ptps1177.sqc (Printer & Page-size initialization useprntr.sqc (select printer type)
RE: What are the compulsory SQC's that should be used ...
There are no required SQCs unless procedures (functions) are being used in the main program that require them.
How can you send emails using SQR?
How can you send emails using SQR
using call system command
How can you send emails using SQR
using call system command
RE: How do you generate tow output files from one SQR....
Using Multiple Reports
RE: How do you generate tow output files from one SQR....
For Reports you can use-report to generate mutiple reports.
For reading and writing data to files we have SQR commands like For-read and For-write.
RE: How do you generate tow output files from one SQR....
using create report you can create multiple reports in one single SQR report
RE: What is difference between Load Look up and Array
Load Lookup is essentailly an array which acts in the form of a table. Load Lookup is used to reduce the complexity of joins - it populates the values of a certain field depending on the ke field specified from a certain table. Then the users can query from the preloaded lookup table instead of joining tables.
While arrays are used to store and retrieve data using the get and put commands
RE: What is difference between Load Look up and Array?
(1) Load-lookup:-
1) Load-lookup will be populated at compilation time
2) We can adjust the size of load-lookup
It is only for text datatype
4) We can only select two fields but by string
cancatnation we can select more than two fields.
5) Size of the load-lookup will be
increased automatically
(2) Array :-
1) Array get populated at Execution time
We can't modify size of the Array. if we given more than the size of the array Program automatically aborts
We can select any number of fields we want
4) Array Supports all datatypes
RE: Q1. What is search Record?Q2. How to create SQ...
Search record is a record that has at least one search key. Sqc is nothing but sqr program but the saving convention is sqc. By using Keys methods and properties we can connect other application in ci.
RE: Q1. What is search Record?Q2. How to create SQ...
in the search record need one key field of parent record.
RE: Q1. What is search Record?Q2. How to create SQ...
if u want to create sqc u can write programm like sqr but with out program section and can save with .sqc extension.
RE: Q1. What is search Record?Q2. How to create SQ...
What is search Record?
Search record is the first record which will be accessed by component buffer. means it facilitates the retrival of required rows that will be used for the compoenet. e.g instead of retriviewing all the rows we can select some particular through the search willl improve the performance.
RE: Q1. What is search Record?Q2. How to create SQ...
Search Record: Based on upon search record keys the component processor retrieves data from database and waits for the user action. We can give the row level security based on upon this search record.
SQCS: SQC'S can be created with naming conventions of.sqc.
This SQCs are used for commonly used procedures instead writing again and again same
RE: What is search Record?How to create SQC? How to co...
Search Record : A Search Record provides a easiest way of navigation in to a page in component.
RE: What is search Record?How to create SQC? How to co...
this is the example!! of SQC and SQR
write procedure in a note pad and save it ex1.sqc
begin-procedure main
from ps_personal_data
after that select new notpad and save ex2.sqr
#include 'ex1.sqc'
do main
run the ex2.sqr file
RE: What is search Record?How to create SQC? How to connect other application in component interface?
Search Record are use define the structure of dialog box is also use to retrive and filter the data.
RE: What is the difference in using inner join and out...
Inner join : An inner join (sometimes called a simple join ) is a
join of two or more tables that returns only those rows that satisfy the join condition.
Outer Joins : An outer join extends the result of a simple join. An
outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and also returns some or all of those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join condition
RE: What is the difference in using inner join and out...
Inner join: It is is the most common type of join. Inner joins return all rows from multiple tables where the join condition is met.
Outerjoin: This type of join returns all rows from one table and only those rows from a secondary table where the joined fields are equal (join condition is met).Here a (+) operator is uses for additional information of given table.
RE: Difference between Prepered statement and Statemen...
1) PREPARED statements r already pre-compiled whereas for STATEMENT each and every statement has to be compiled all the time..
2) If u want to execute a single SQL statement multiple number of times then go for PREPARED statement or else v can use STATEMENT.
RE: Difference between Prepered statement and Statemen...
Fixed parameter value
Execute every time Prepared Statement
Can supply parameter value at execution time
Execute once for n parameter value Callable Statement
To execute stored procedure like pl/sql
Exp in Object oriented prog?
Object:An object is a software bundle of related state and behavior. A real world entity that you find in everyday life.
(OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses abstraction to create models based on the real world. It utilizes several techniques from previously established paradigms including modularity polymorphism and encapsulation. Many popular programming languages (such as Java C# C++ and Visual Basic) support OOP.
RE: Diff b/w BI,CI,IB?
BI - Business Interlinks (Call from PS to Other application) . Using this technology we can use/call other application business logic from PS. it's a depricated technology.PS recommends that not to use the same in future.CI - Component Interface (Call from Other application to PS) Using this technology Other application can use/call PS business logic in the form of Dlls.IB - Integration Broker - Peoplesoft's Hub.Heart of PIA. it's a middleware which is used to establish the connections between PS applications and 3rd Party trade partners. In Architectur level IB contains two major parts 1)Integration Gateway(in Web server) 2) Integration Engine.(in App Server).
________________________________________Tell me ur experience with CI?
Component Interface(CI) is used to populate the data in component level automatically while we enter data and save in another component.
RE: Tell me ur experience with CI?
CI is a web core component based technology of peoplesoft. CI is nothing but the shadow of underlined component without pages. CI is mainly used in the case of validating the data (business logic) without user inputs/interaction.Also CI uses to allow the third party applications use the peoplesoft core functionality. Technically speaking the other applications(VB C++ and Java) can call/use the peoplesoft methods.
RE: How do u decide between appeng/Ci and SQR while co...
If data needs to be validated well before updating records and to make parent child records synchronous with respect to data use AE/CI.
When there is huge data to be manipulated better use SQRs (run on server if possible).
Performance tuning of SQR?
sqr performance is mainly depends upon sql accessing the database
to increase the performance 1. we need to break the sql into pieces and put logic . avoid long joints.
For performance tuning in SQR first we need to tune up the sql,use appropriate joins with nessasary conditions.Then use nessasary functions for low execution time and use temp tables for bulk data transactions.
RE: Performance tuning of SQR?
Performance tuning in SQR can be done using the following
1.Load-lookup cmd
2. Arrays
3.Multiple Reports
4.-Bnn flag
5.By running SQR progrm on server
6.By running SQT files
RE: Performance tuning of SQR?
For performance tuning in SQR first we need to tune up the sql use appropriate joins with nessasary conditions.Then use nessasary functions for low execution time and use temp tables for bulk data transactions.
RE: How to worked with functions, procedures in SQR?
Yes. It is similar to use function procedure and packages in SQR. The only difference is - Use begin-Sql Begin procedure(param1 param2) End End-Sql
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